RAJASTHAN - Padharo Mhare Des |
Demography | Population: 56,473,122 (2001 census) Density of population: 165 persons / sq km Men: 29,381,657 Women: 27,091,465 Sex-ratio (per 1000 males): 922 Children (0-6 years): 10,451,103 Total rural population: 43,267,678 Total urban population: 13,205,444 Literacy rate(%): 61.03% % of Scheduled Castes: 17.29% (1991 census) % of Scheduled tribes: 12.44% (1991 census) Rural disabled persons / 1 lakh population: 1767 (1991 census) Urban disabled persons / 1 lakh population: 1126 (1991 census) Below poverty line in 1992-93: 27.41% |
Social Development Indicators | Birth rate (1996): 32.3 Crude Death rate (1996): 9.1 Infant Mortality rate (1996): 86 Total fertility rate (1994): 4.5 Female life expectancy (1993) in years: 58.5 Below poverty line in % (1993-94): 30.49 |
Area | 3,42,239 sq. km. comprising to desert climates. Land under irrigation totals 46.5 million hac. |
Cities and Towns | 222. Major cities - Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Bikaner, Bhilwara, Alwar |
Adjoining States | North--Punjab, Haryana, West & North west--Pakistan; East--Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh; South & Southwest--Gujarat |
Roads | 61,520 km. ( 2,846 km National Highway). Four national highways cross Rajasthan : Delhi - Ahmedabad, Agra-Bikaner, Jaipur-Bhopal and Bhatinda- Candla. |
Climate | Generally dry with monsoon during July-August. |
Capital | Jaipur |
Districts | 32 |
Languages | English and Hindi commonly used. |
Literacy | 31.03 % |
Maximum Temperature | 47�C |
Minimim Temperature | 7�C |
Average Rainfall | 647 mm |
Air Link | Indian Airlines and private operators offer several flights to connect Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Udaipur and other cities. Jaipur is slated to be International Air Port shortly. |
Air cargo. | complexes operate at Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur |
Rail | All major cities connected with broad gauge track and are linked with India's metropolitan centers. |
Telecom | 1,240 telephone exchanges (1994) 3,49,230 telephone connection STD/ISD facilities even in tiny villages. |
Financial services | 3,155 (1994) branches of scheduled commercial banks, overseas banks also provide services. Apex institutions have their offices like IDBI, IFCI, RBI, SIDBI, ICICI, NABARAD. |
Power | Rajasthan has taken a major thrust for power projects in private sector (5,288 MW). Power will be generated conventionally through six private sector projects. |
Primary Education | 36,610 primary schools, 11,071 upper primary schools, 3,214 secondary schools, and 1,257 senior schools operate in Rajasthan. Private sector and convent school have good network |
Higher Education | There are 9 Universities, 173 General Education Colleges and 44 Professional Colleges for higher education (including for engineering, technology, agriculture, management, medical. |
Medi-care | 266 hospitals, 10,000 dispensaries and numerous private clinics, nursing homes and hospitals are also performing with distinction. |
Hotel-Restaurants | Rajasthan is famous for its hospitality. Its heritage resorts, old castles, havelies, palaces, forts have a high reputation. Super deluxe and star- hotels are in addition. Restaurant-culture has picked up well. All major Hotel chains are operating from Rajasthan. |
Tourism Destination | It being a tourism-destination, Rajasthan has a niche in this sector. |
Recreation | Club, parks, cinema halls, fairs, festivals, TV, national parks, sanctuaries, lakes, forests, hills and desert offer breathtaking opportunities. Jaipur has two Golf courses and one polo ground. |
Medical Colleges | Dr S N Medical College, Jodhpur - 342003. Fax: 0291-31987 Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer - 305001 Medical College, ESI Hospital Building, Jhalawar Road, Kota - 324005 S M S Medical College, Jaipur - 302004 |