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RAJASTHAN - Padharo Mhare Des

Demography Population: 56,473,122 (2001 census)
Density of population: 165 persons / sq km
Men: 29,381,657
Women: 27,091,465
Sex-ratio (per 1000 males): 922
Children (0-6 years): 10,451,103
Total rural population: 43,267,678
Total urban population: 13,205,444
Literacy rate(%): 61.03%
% of Scheduled Castes: 17.29% (1991 census)
% of Scheduled tribes: 12.44% (1991 census)
Rural disabled persons / 1 lakh population: 1767 (1991 census)
Urban disabled persons / 1 lakh population: 1126 (1991 census)
Below poverty line in 1992-93: 27.41%
Social Development Indicators Birth rate (1996): 32.3
Crude Death rate (1996): 9.1
Infant Mortality rate (1996): 86
Total fertility rate (1994): 4.5
Female life expectancy (1993) in years: 58.5
Below poverty line in % (1993-94): 30.49
Area 3,42,239 sq. km. comprising to desert climates. Land under irrigation totals 46.5 million hac.
Cities and Towns 222. Major cities - Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Bikaner, Bhilwara, Alwar
Adjoining States North--Punjab, Haryana, West & North west--Pakistan; East--Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh; South & Southwest--Gujarat
Roads 61,520 km. ( 2,846 km National Highway). Four national highways cross Rajasthan : Delhi - Ahmedabad, Agra-Bikaner, Jaipur-Bhopal and Bhatinda- Candla.
Climate Generally dry with monsoon during July-August.
Capital Jaipur
Districts 32
Languages English and Hindi commonly used.
Literacy 31.03 %
Maximum Temperature 47�C
Minimim Temperature 7�C
Average Rainfall 647 mm
Air Link Indian Airlines and private operators offer several flights to connect Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Udaipur and other cities. Jaipur is slated to be International Air Port shortly.
Air cargo. complexes operate at Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur
Rail All major cities connected with  broad gauge track and are linked with India's metropolitan centers.
Telecom 1,240 telephone exchanges (1994) 3,49,230 telephone connection STD/ISD facilities even in tiny villages.
Financial services 3,155 (1994) branches of scheduled commercial banks, overseas banks also provide services. Apex institutions have their offices like IDBI, IFCI, RBI, SIDBI, ICICI, NABARAD.
Power Rajasthan has taken a major thrust for power projects in private sector (5,288 MW). Power will be generated conventionally through six private sector projects.
Primary Education 36,610 primary schools, 11,071 upper primary schools, 3,214 secondary schools, and 1,257 senior schools operate in Rajasthan. Private sector and convent school have good network
Higher Education There are 9 Universities, 173 General Education Colleges and 44 Professional Colleges for higher education (including for engineering, technology, agriculture, management, medical.
Medi-care 266 hospitals, 10,000 dispensaries and numerous private clinics, nursing homes and hospitals are also performing with distinction.
Hotel-Restaurants Rajasthan is famous for its hospitality. Its heritage resorts, old castles, havelies, palaces, forts have a high reputation. Super deluxe and star- hotels are in addition. Restaurant-culture has picked up well. All major Hotel chains are operating from Rajasthan.
Tourism Destination It being a tourism-destination, Rajasthan has a niche in this sector.
Recreation Club, parks, cinema halls, fairs, festivals, TV, national parks, sanctuaries, lakes, forests, hills and desert offer breathtaking opportunities. Jaipur has two Golf courses and one polo ground.
Medical Colleges Dr S N Medical College, Jodhpur - 342003. Fax: 0291-31987
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer - 305001
Medical College, ESI Hospital Building, Jhalawar Road, Kota - 324005
S M S Medical College, Jaipur - 302004